Monday, April 16, 2012

Spring Favorites

Flowering trees in Millennium Park, Chicago

Spring came a month early for much of the country. It was a very mild winter, and I'm really enjoying all the beauty that has opened around me this past month or so!

Redbuds in Millennium Park, Chicago

On my lunchtime walks, I visit the gardens at Millennium Park and take in the beauty of the redbud trees and spring bulbs.

Tulips in Millennium Park, Chicago

And at home, we planted a new baby forsythia in the parkway!


It looks so little and lost right now, but its brilliance could be seen all the way down the street. To me it's not spring unless the forsythias are blooming!

Forsythia "Show Off"

Forsythia "Show Off"

The rhododendron has come and gone.

PJM Rhododendron

But our lilac has never looked better! I've never seen so many blossoms, and they are lasting so much longer than usual. Lilac is one of my favorite of the fragrant flowers, and I just need to smell them as much as possible while they're in bloom!

Persian lilac

Persian lilac

So many blooms have come and gone already. It's still so early in the season, and I barely got out to see the daffodils, hyacinths and magnolias before they finished their spectacular shows.

Scilla, Millennium Park, Chicago

There's nothing like the fresh blossoms of spring. What are your favorite blooms of the season?


  1. I love the photograph of the tulips - so colourful!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  2. Pam: I'm with you in that lilacs are hands down my favorite spring bloom. Your tree is so beautiful and really popping with blossoms. Mine is just now sprouting the leaves with a very small amount of buds so far. It's scaring me that it won't be so full this year, because I can smell it already! Happy Monday..Judy

  3. I agree, Liz, the colors are so eye-popping! :-)


  4. Hi Judy-

    I hope yours is full this year and holds its blossoms! But every year is different. Hopefully this will be a good year for you as well!


  5. I really love magnolia trees - when I see them bloom I know it's spring.

  6. Hi Ken-

    Oh yes, magnolias are wonderful. Ours finished up a couple weeks ago. I wish they would last longer!


  7. Wow...just look at all those tulips! Lilacs are one of my favorites too. I also like Virginia bluebells; mine are almost ready to bloom. I also want to say thank you for your kind comment on my blog post about my father's passing. I appreciated it very much.

  8. Hi Katie-

    I love Virginia bluebells too, but I only have one plant! I should buy more, since the one I have does very well.

    You did such a great job in paying tribute to your dad. I know it must have been very difficult. I hope the sad memories fade and the great memories shine through soon for you and your sisters.


  9. Beautiful blooms! I think all the flowers are just so vibrant and full this year, don't you? Maybe it is because of the mild winter we had...


  10. Hi Debbie-

    I think you're right. It's such an unusual thing for everything to bloom so early, but it all seems extremely lush! I hope the trend continues all season. :-)


  11. Ahh, the staples of the midwest...Forsythias and Lilacs. Brilliant colors and full of blooms and love the heady scent of the lilacs. First thing I planted around my home in Atlanta were Forsythias. They are very inexpensive, they grow extremely fast...perfect decorative shrubbery in my book. Wishing health and good things to you and those you love.

  12. The Spring is here too. We do not get Lilacs tillthe end of May.
    Ilove the Spring the air feels fresh and the smells are wonderful.. yvonne

  13. Hello Pam,
    As usual, your photo skills are outstanding. The tulip colour combo is very effective. For me, all spring blooms are so appreciated, but the magnolia blooms are pretty much at the top of my list. Unfortunately, this spring it was a no show. The unseasonably early warm weather made them bloom, but then the cold spell froze them and they turned brown - bummer.

  14. Hi Sea Witch-

    Yes, the forsythias don't cost very much, so you can buy them small and they grow like crazy! A lot of bang for the buck. Lilacs Nd forsythias are also perfect shrubs for birds to take cover in!


  15. Hi Yvonne-

    I agree with you! I love all the fresh smells that come with Spring! I even love the smell of dirt! :-)


  16. Hi Anyes-

    Oh, how disappointing! We've all had such weird weather it seems. I haven't noticed anything here that has suffered from the crazy weather extremes yet. We'll see what the rest of the season has to bring.



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